It’s hot, you’re always sweaty, and you can just about feel the moisture in the air soak into your skin and hair. While no one can really do much about the humidity outside, we can help you take care of that humidity inside your home! Take it from one of the most reliable air conditioning companies in Jacksonville; we can help you find a solution. We have complied a list of things you should always do when trying to get rid of some of that clammy humid air in your home.

1. I Love My Fans

Cooking involves a lot of steam sometimes, and that means moisture is getting in your air. Too much humidity can lead to mold and mildew in your home. One of the easiest things to do on this list is turn on your vent fans above your stove when cooking. If you don’t have one, a good idea would be to just keep steaming pots and pans covered while they are cooking and cracking open a window when everything is done for a moment. Another place to use the fan is in the bathroom while you’re taking a shower. All of that hot steam will continue to add moisture in your home, just remember to turn on that fan.

2. Dehumidify

You have a humidifier for the winter so why not have a dehumidifier for the summer? Typically, a humidity level of 30-50% is normal. If it’s above this amount, you should consider using a dehumidifier to help reduce that moisture.

3. Air Circulation

Sometimes rooms just get stuffy because of lack of ventilation and air circulation. Adding a few fans to your living room or even your bedroom at night while you’re sleeping can help get that air circulating so it’s not hot and a little less stuffy from the humidity as well. Bonus, the sound of a fan in your room can actually help some people sleep!

4. Air-Dry

Dryer machines release a lot of moisture from your wet clean clothes, so try to go old school for a while. Yes, try to dry your clothes outside by nature’s dryer; the sun. It’s not that bad and plus it’ll save you some bucks on detergent and energy bills.

Final Notes

Like we said, there’s nothing much we can do about outside but when it comes to your home, there’s always a way to improve the air quality. We hope the tips from one of the most trustworthy air conditioning companies in Jacksonville can get you through these humid summer days.